Although temperatures are dropping, the Halloween spirit remains high in Seattle. Despite traditional “trick or treating” being problematic during these times of coronavirus, many neighborhood residents...
With each episode having a new murder or abduction case for the BAU to solve, it is sure to keep the viewers engaged. The show delves into both views of the team and the potential murderer or “unsub” (unknown subject) that the BAU is searching for.
Junior Lauren Brant turned her baking ability and decorating talent into a quarantine job. Brant struggled to find an available job due to the pandemic so she found her own innovative way to make some money.
As the world around us has shut down, many have turned to social media to connect with friends and family while in isolation. However, a cute dog picture or someone’s mirror selfie will not be the only...
“Hey all you cool cats and kittens” Quarantine can be boring and lonely. But at times, it can also be an excellent opportunity to devote energy into something new. One way to transform boredom into...
The coronavirus pandemic has forced the social distancing rule upon the world. To reduce the virus from spreading and flatten the curve, many people find themselves unable to see friends and family. People...
Being stuck inside especially during such a difficult time in our country’s history can be hard. With all the negativity floating around the Corona Virus, sometimes just a little positivity is enough...
First it was the Carrie Diaries that vanished, then Pretty Little Liars, and now Friends! Netflix has slowly been removing some of its most popular tv shows. Avid Netflix watchers wonder: “How could...
As the holidays approach, many people make watching certain movies a tradition, from classics to blockbusters to comedies. Below are some of the best Christmas movies and specials to watch this season.