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The student news site of Seattle Preparatory School

The Seattle Prep Panther

The student news site of Seattle Preparatory School

The Seattle Prep Panther

The student news site of Seattle Preparatory School

The Seattle Prep Panther

Christmas Movies: Hits and Misses

Delphine Mock, Staff Writer December 13, 2021

Snuggling up to watch a holiday movie is the perfect way to get into the Christmas Spirit. Along with decorating the tree, making Christmas cookies, and opening gifts, watching a Christmas movie with a...

Piano at Prep: Perfectly Played

Jeffrey Go, Managing Editor November 2, 2021

A famous saying goes, “music speaks volumes,” but what does that really mean? Piano is one of, if not the most prominent instrument in the music space. Many students and teachers at Prep continue...

Opening Number

The Imaginary Invalid: The Secrets and Lies of an Imaginary Illness

Annabelle Deasy, Visuals Editor October 26, 2021

The unhinged musical of the ’60s hits the Seattle Prep stage as the hilarious production of "The Imaginary Invalid" goes live on October 29, 2021. Hobbs Hegedus '22 portrays protagonist Argan-...

Artwork by Kate Allen

AP Studio Art: Jumping off the Page

Annabelle Deasy and Hobbs Hegedus May 11, 2021

One thing all Ap Studio Art students can agree on is that they have been pushed to new limits in the creation of their portfolios. As the seniors look towards graduation, a group of talented students move...

The Prep Drama production of Peter and the Starcatcher runs from May 7-16, streaming online.

Peter and the Starcatcher Brings Peter Pan Backstory to the Stage

Sam McGee, Freelance Writer May 10, 2021

Seattle Prep’s Drama Program is putting out a new production for spring: Peter and the Starcatcher. The play will begin streaming online May 7th through 16th and though it has seen its unique set of...

Members of the Seattle Prep Choir practice during a socially distanced rehearsal.

Choir Innovates During Covid

Abby Baldwin, Freelance Writer April 21, 2021

What happens when social distancing meets the Seattle Prep Choir? The answer: Innovation. For the first time in as long as anyone at Seattle Prep can remember, students could not attend in-person school because...

Seattle Prep Jazz band rehearses in a socially distanced format in the theater.

Prep Jazz Band Reacts to Lockdown and Hybrid Learning

Sam McGee, Freelance Writer April 19, 2021

With the new implementation of hybrid learning, many extracurricular activities at Prep are having re-adjust to in-person learning. This readjustment comes with facing the many new challenges and questions...

What Is Mr. Beyer Up to Now?

What Is Mr. Beyer Up to Now?

Emi Nakata, Staff Writer April 15, 2021

Mr. Beyer, also known as Dr. Beyer, retired in 2019 from Seattle Prep’s Music Department. He was, and still is, well-loved, highly respected, and cherished by the Prep community. He served as the Choir...

The Art of Making Art

Alex Gardner, Freelance Writer March 31, 2021

Prep teachers, Mrs. Anne Petty and Mrs. Melissa Dold also have careers outside of their jobs at Prep as professional artists. Both regularly have shows of their art in galleries around the Seattle...

2020 TV Shows: Students and Faculty Weigh In

Jane Hurley, Staff Writer February 22, 2021

In a year where everyone on the globe was confined to their homes, television remained one of the few safe options for entertainment. Prep students and faculty have provided their opinions for some of...

New Year, New Movies

New Year, New Movies

Jeffrey Go and Jack Coleman February 21, 2021

The New Year is here, a time where new goals are set, new hobbies are found, and new projects are created. With the start of a fresh year, there are many movies set to release in 2021. There are some gems...

Eva Guarda Vazquez, ’21, made a green smoothie using spinach, blueberries, and other superfoods!

Meatless Monday: It’s Better for You Than You Think!

Piper Wood, Staff Writer February 10, 2021

Meatless Monday is a movement that focuses on skipping meat in your meals once a week, and it shows a positive change in many people’s diets and lifestyles.  There are so many benefits to not eating...

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