Seattle Prep has a large community of teachers who are alumni, and this sets us apart from many other schools. Attending a highschool and then returning to teach there provides a different and interesting...
Each day, Seattle Prep students who stay on-call for the entirety of four classes spend over 4.5 hours on Microsoft Teams or Zoom in virtual classes. During these classes, as stated in the Seattle Prep...
“The Social Dilemma” on Netflix is a documentary/actor-portrayed film that delves into the world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and how technology controls its users lives. The film interviews a dozen...
The following Instagram accounts are good sources to learn more about mental health, find affirmations, and be inspired by the stories and resilience of others.
@victoriagarrick. Victoria Garrick is...
The hashtag #makeinstacasualagain has floated around Instagram for years, with users longing for the platform to return to the carefree atmosphere it had when it debuted in 2010. While this hashtag has...
“Relief” When asked about the election, Dario Cababawood ’21 responded with just one word, “Relief.” Relief, relieved, and other synonyms were found in all the testimonies of Prep students interviewed about the results of the election.
Although students may have their own holiday traditions, do students ever think about what the Seattle Prep staff is doing on their holiday vacation? From chopping down Christmas trees to attending a fish...
In June, there were hundreds of peaceful protests for the Black Lives Matter Movement around the world, but now, the protests have completely come to a halt. Social media has become less focused on the...
America: a democracy, a country governed by its people, but is the newest member of the United States Supreme Court a true reflection of the beliefs of American citizens? The sudden death of Supreme Court...
The coronavirus pandemic has swept the nation at an alarming rate. One possible early source of the first reported U.S. case came from Washington State, after a man came back from a visit to Wuhan, China....
“I spoke to @vmagazine about why I’ll be voting for Joe Biden,” said Taylor Swift’s recent Instagram post picturing her holding up Biden, Harris 2020 cookies. The use of social media by celebrities...