Kairos Brings Juniors Together

Alex Martin, Co-Editor-in-Chief

Lower classmen often wonder about the importance of retreats like Kairos. Kairos is a 3½-day retreat that embodies “the value of Christian faith as lived and experienced in community”.
Throughout the year, at camps in Western Washington, groups of Seattle Prep Juniors attend Kairos retreats to focus on three specific areas of spirituality: yourself, others, and God. During the retreat, the juniors participate in small and large group discussion, faith talks, reflection, prayer and mass. Central to the retreat is faith, as Kairos means “God’s time” in Greek. The primary goal of the retreat is to find out who you really are and not who your classmates perceive you to be. Through journal reflections and small group discussions students are able to express their feelings about who they are.
Small groups discussions also give students a “chance to see the real person, not just what you think”, said Mr. Mack.
At the end of the Kairos retreat, the juniors find that they have a new, positive outlook on themselves, their classmates and God.