My Greatest Inspirations


Annabelle Deasy, Visuals Editor

When asked who we are thankful for our minds drift to our friends, family, loved ones, or even pets; My mind turns to my teachers.  

Stepping onto the Seattle Prep campus four years ago I felt a sense of nervous excitement. I was greeted in my first class by Mr. Richardson, Ms. Slevin, and 48 strangers in Xavier Collegio. Throughout the week I was taught by Ms. Dold, Mr. Ellinger, and Senora Webster. I met many teachers but was more focused on my peers. When people talked about community at prep, I just thought it meant my friends, but took for granted the leaders of this community. Eventually by sophomore year I felt I was truly a part of Prep; I was no longer the scared little freshmen.  

Then suddenly my world came to a halt: Covid-19 took over. Suddenly my community diminished, seeing friends less and barely even listening to my teachers on Zoom. I was alone, we all were.  

Before I knew it, I was stepping onto campus once again as an upperclassman almost as terrified as the first time I walked on the plaza. How was I expected to lead the school? Suddenly a light was brought back into my life by the faculty of Seattle Prep. Ms. Freeman gave me a new confidence in math and wrote me a recommendation letter for college. Mr. Weeks and Mr. Othman allowed me to reconnect with my love for music and the theatre. And Mr. Mack gave me a new connection to my faith. I was ready to step into senior year as a leader and accomplished individual.  

As students we learn the Characteristics of the Grad at Grad freshmen year: Loving, Open to Growth, Intellectually Competent, Spiritually Alive, and Committed to Justice. The faculty are the ones who have helped us achieve these. Stepping into the Kairos Leadership role, Ms. Broadbent, Mr. Mack, and Dr.B allowed me to become spiritually alive and become a leader even when I was scared. Mr. Liu encouraged me to give blood even though I was terrified after passing out the first time. Mr. Peterhans opened my eyes to the disparities and hardships in the world and both teachers in different ways showed me to be committed to justice. 

Working with Prep Ambassadors Club with Ms. Alokolaro and Ms. Cambell I have become a truly loving individual. Even if it was just setting up an open house or doing a middle school visit, both faculty members stood by my side and gave me a space to share my ideas and listen to them with excitement and kindness. Through the theatre program I became open to growth as Mr. Weeks and Mr. Othman gave me the opportunity to step out of my comfort zone and take on the stage, alongside Mr. J who gave me a tutorial on how to be a sassy girl fish in SpongeBob. 

The last Grad at Grad, intellectually competent stems from so many amazing people. Without the help of Ms. Vincenzo and Ms. Freeman I probably would not be going to college. Mr. Mitchell, Ms. Tordillos, Ms.Healy, and Senor Martin saved me by making AP classes so much fun with their unique teaching styles that I grew to love. Lastly, Mr. Richardson has allowed me a chance to shine on the paper. Since Freshmen year Mr. Richardson encouraged me to never give up and strive to do my best.  

These last few weeks on campus I cherish hearing Mr. Burks say “Morning Deasy.” I love picking up a red velvet loaf and a white chocolate mocha at Starbucks for Mr. Chism. I’m excited to do fun ice breakers with Ms. Healy. I savor the little wave Ms. White gives me as I walk to class. And I anticipate the day I will be handed my diploma and forced to say goodbye to the best faculty and staff in the world.  

You are all my inspirations, and I am thankful for everything you have given me to prepare me for the next stage in my life.  Ms. Goodwin and Ms. O’Neill thank you for cheering me on as I placed my college pin on the map and finished my journey with college decisions. Thank you all for teaching, I am so thankful for the staff of Seattle Prep.