A Prep Fight Song Tradition

Ava Pitts, Staff Writer

Fight! Fight! Fight! Prep is notorious for their Panther Fight Song, a chant yelled by students after sporting events and at school assemblies. But where does this tradition come from?  While no one quite knows the origins of the original Prep fight song, the tradition and lyrics have evolved over time to become the beloved song we cheer today.

The original chant was set to the melody of the Oregon State University fight song and sung until 1953. At the time, Seattle Prep was an all-boys school and lines like, “fight on Panthers, sons of white and blue,” and “we’ll cheer for every man, we’ll cheer at every stand.” The fight song reflected the all-male student body.

Around 1956, the Panther Fight Song changed to the version we chant today. It’s believed that the Prep music teacher at the time, Thomas Rodrique, who also revived the pep band, changed the lyrics. When asked if he had any knowledge of the evolution of the fight song, Mr. Ellinger, a current math teacher at Prep, said, “The fight song used to have more of a tune with music in the background. It has evolved slowly over the past 25 years to become what it is today, a spirited yelling chant.”

In honor of this long held school tradition, The Panther Fight Song banner can be found in McHugh Gym that was presented to Seattle Prep by the graduating Seniors of 1993.