Ranting and Raving about School Sickness


Beni Jurion, Editor-In-Chief

“Freshmen plague,” “winter blues,” “football flue.” All are phrases referring to sicknesses spreading around school. Each school year, Seattle Prep students and faculty, experience rabid “plagues” of the Flu, the Cold, sore throat and more. However, with the last year and a half being at home due to the COVID-19 pandemic, most were able escape this annual epidemic, but now that Prep is back in full attendance, alongside students’ immune systems being weakened after not being exposed for over a year, those same harmful sicknesses are back and more prevalent than ever.



“Not great, not terrible. As long as it isn’t COVID-19. Just gotta keep on keeping on. Get the flue vax if you can.” -RR

“The football flu is relentless!”- KR

“The pressure of missing classes and falling behind, makes sick students not want to stay home. And since, you’re not allowed to go to schools if you tell the truth about how you actually feel, everyone goes to school sick.” -JF

“Please keep you masks UP. Even with the cold going around we must remember: WE ARE STILL IN A PANDEMIC!”- JO

Teacher don’t help enough for those who stay absent when sick, so one stays home, and they fall so far behind. -JF

It’s very scary. I hope everyone is doing okay! -KN

“I had it in like the second week of school and I am not worried now. Absences are skyrocketing! It’s so horrible especially now with COVID” -EN

“I’ve been sick three times already! I think this time someone in my math class gave it to me, I’m certain of it.”- AA

“I think the reason why it’s so bad is that students don’t get enough sleep to fully rest so our immune systems are weakened, plus teachers assign too much work to stay home and miss class.” -HW

“I think that teachers should record their class lectures or provide an option for people to “Zoom-in” so people who are sick can watch while they are home, thereby they won’t be behind if they miss class. I think this is better than them going to school and passing around germs, making everyone sick.” -DS




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