A Day in the Life of José Aviles-Baquero

Gael Loor, Staff Writer

Silence. Suddenly, a roaring sound breaks the tension in the air, right on time. A hand reaches out to the source of the sound and slams down. The noise abruptly stops. It’s 6:00am and José forces himself out of bed. He then heads downstairs and fulfills his hunger with a nutritious meal of a bagel with cream cheese. After a 20-minute car ride from his home is Bellevue with either his mom or dad, he arrives at school, gets a diet Snapple from the Commons and heads to class. On his A days, he starts his day with scripture which is taught by Mrs. Kramer (where he recently finished the movie Big Fish) then he walks to his next class, Algebra 2/Trig with Mrs. Stanko to learn systems of equations. After persevering through the first half of the school day, he goes to get lunch. For lunch José is always the first to get his hot dog and a diet Snapple. This unhealthy meal combo was José’s lunch for all of freshman year. Fellow sophomore, Hayden Kosiara, commented “If you try and take his Snapple, he will fight back.”

After lunch he has Marquette Collegio where he learns about the French Revolution with Mr. Hendricks and analyzes the Tale of Two Cities with Ms. Barmore. Lastly, he goes to Spanish with Señor Café. When school finally gets out, he heads to the Commons to buy yet another diet Snapple then walks down Montlake and heads home by bus. After he gets home, José starts his homework after an hour of settling in and it usually lasts him up to and hour and a half.

On Mondays and Wednesdays José plays on his elite volleyball team, Absolute Zero, which won power league two years ago. After making his own dinner or eating take out, he spends the rest of his evening binge-watching South park and American Horror Story along with playing Call of Duty and GTA V with his friends. José then goes to sleep around 10:30 to get his rest for the following school day.