The Holiday Season as a Jesuit Brother

Owen Hendricks, Staff Writer

The holiday season is a time to enjoy the company of family and friends and to take in the many festivities that the season has to offer. For the Jesuits at Seattle Prep, surprisingly, the holiday season is quite similar to most of the students at Prep. The two Jesuits stationed at Prep, Fr. Ryan and Mr. Antonio, describe what the holiday season is like for priests and those studying to become a priest.
Not being situated at a specific parish, Fr. Ryan and Mr. Antonio have been able to spend their holiday seasons with family and friends. Mr. Antonio described the holiday season as “very enjoyable. Being situated at Seattle Prep I am able to take a break during the holiday season, where I am able to spend time with my family.” Similarly, Fr. Ryan stated, “The holiday season is surprisingly rather lowkey. I usually either spend time with my Jesuit brothers or I will travel down to Sacramento, California to be with family and friends.” Both Jesuits also discussed how the Advent season is a special time to indulge in prayer and how the festivities of the season are reminders of all the good in the world.
When asked about their favorite part of the holiday season, the two Jesuits’ responses differed. Fr. Ryan described that his favorite part of the holiday season is all of the festivities incorporated into the season, and that he loves the holiday “vibe”. He stated, “I love Christmas for all of the decorations, songs and food. I think the magic of the season really creates a positive vibe that helps us forget about all of the darkness that we’ve seen on the news or in our own lives.” For Mr. Antonio, the best part of the holiday season is the gift giving. Being a Jesuit , Mr. Antonio said, “I like the fact that we celebrate Jesus’ birth by exchanging gifts. I think it’s also very important that we remember all of the gifts that have been given and to be thankful for them and to not just enjoy the gifts we are given on Christmas day.”
On December 8th, join Father Ryan and Mr. Antonio for an all school Mass so the Prep community can all celebrate the coming of Jesus Christ and unite as a Christian community.