Ignite Goes Online

Mimi Parent, Staff Writer

Seattle Prep’s literary and visual arts publication, Ignite, has made changes to their design and format. Ignite has brought their publication online and will now be accepting a wider variety of mediums. This change will make content easier to access and will allow people outside of the Prep community to enjoy their work. Ms. Dotsey, the moderator of Ignite, believes that the online format will, “create flexibility because we are now able to do a lot more with different genres. Now, we are able to do a feature film, a recording of a monologue, or an animation. It’s nice that we are able to feature things like this because we offer courses here at Prep that contain that content.” This will create more opportunities for students to share their talents and interests because they are now less constrained. Additionally, the online formate will create a wider audience of viewers and allow Prep students to access content at any time. Sidney Kemp, the editor-in-chief of Ignite who created and designed the website believes, “This change will be much more convenient for people to access and Unlike the original physical copies, the online version will be extremely easy and quick to access. In the past, students could only read Ignite during Olympic week and homecoming week. Now, students can read Ignite anytime!
Please check out Ignite at http://ignite0.wixsite.com/seattleprepignite and if you are interested in submitting a piece contact Ms. Dotsey at [email protected] or Sidney Kemp at [email protected]