Be the Santa in Someone Else’s Life


Seniors Elizabeth Birkhold, Brian Bowers and Chris Martin present the 2015 Giving Tree and introduce special speakers to represent welfare programs in the city of Seattle.

Gianna Patchen, Staff Writer

This Christmas Prep students make the world a better place by donating money and presents to those in need. In the commons there is a giving tree where everyone has the opportunity to take a tag off the tree and make someone’s Christmas wish come true. On each tag a different person from St. Martin’s on Westlake has put down an item that they want or need but are unable to buy for themselves. All over Seattle there are people who work hard but are unable to splurge on Christmas presents for themselves or their families. This allows everyone who has been blessed with the comforts of presents under the tree to act as a Santa for someone else.
Prep will also be having a basic needs drive for the Wintonia, low-income apartments for the homeless, and for Urban Rest Stop, a series of hygiene centers throughout Seattle including showers, bathrooms, laundry machines, and free toiletries. They are collecting hats, gloves, scarves, socks, and toiletries for those in need. Basic supplies like these are in high demand during the cold and rainy Seattle winters. All of these programs are local and the students’ donations will go right back into the community.
Lastly Prep chooses an international cause to support that corresponds with the Peace and Justice Week theme. This year the theme is girls’ education and money is being collected for two programs. The first is IMPUHWE (Inspire, motivate powerful, undiscovered, hopeful women (with) Education) an organization based out of Rwanda that provides girls from Nyamata, a rural area, with the funding to work through primary and 6 years of secondary school.
The second is the Armania School, an elementary and secondary school in Armania, Ethiopia that is in dire need of suitable facilities and supplies. These two charities will be getting donations from the Dollar Wars. In this event each class is given a jar and it is the other classes’ goals to fill up everyone’s jar but their own class’. In the end the class with the least amount of money in their jar will win and all of the money collected will go to charity.