Tips for Freshmen

Annika Bjornson, Staff Writer


Beginning high school can be a pretty exciting (and awkward) transition. Here are some tips from Seattle Prep students to help incoming freshmen start the year off right:
1. Stay organized. In the midst of a big transition, it may be hard to develop good study habits and be on top of work. However, with some experimentation, individuals can gain a better understanding of what works best for them. For those familiar with the Bell schedule, it is recommended that one does A Day homework on A Days and B Day homework on B Days. This will allow more time for assignments to avoid being overwhelmed by work. Tests and quizzes are quite frequent, so it is important to find the best study and review tactics for one’s personal needs. This could involve using flash cards, drawing diagrams, or going over notes habitually.
2. Get involved. One of the best ways to fully enjoy the high school experience and make friends is to join activities, sports, and clubs. Not only does it help students bond with other students, but it will help one experiment with what they enjoy. Freshman year is a great year to explore different aspects of being a member of Prep so students will know what to focus on in the future. Julia Ribas ‘18 suggests doing the play for any drama lovers. Sam Hoyt ‘18 says, “I recommend doing freshmen football because even if you’re not good at it, its a great way to meet people.” After all, it’s a no-cut sport!
3. Seek help. Many Freshmen use being shy as a reason for not asking for help. It’s natural to feel a bit awkward, but one of the possible reasons incoming freshmen chose Prep was because of it’s open and affirming community. Students and teachers alike are happy to help others succeed. National Honors Society offers peer tutoring in the LRC and individual departments offer help during Window period or as scheduled with teachers.
4. Aim high. Seattle Prep is an academically rigorous school. Though it’s important not to obsess over a bad grade, especially in the first few months when freshmen are still getting a feel for things, some may find they are more successful if they have high expectations for themselves. There is a lot of time in the high school career to improve, but getting a good start will provide more positive freshman year experiences. Sarah Buchanan ‘16 advises, “Starting with high expectations helps you become more motivated to become more involved and talk to new people. It also allows you to embrace everything at Prep and push yourself in the process.”
5. Be open. Some incoming students may already know a lot of people, but it is advised that they talk to new people. Some incoming students may not know anyone, so it is advised that they are friendly and willing to introduce themselves to others. Says Georgi Grimm ‘15, “Don’t be afraid to be outgoing, and don’t wait for people to come talk to you; branch out.” Many people who choose to be open to others have better social experiences. Jordan Blue ‘16 says, “I know it’s cheesy, but be yourself so that you find friends you actually enjoy.” Start off by learning the names of everyone you sit around, and you will have an easier time talking to them in the future! Also, regularly attending dances and retreats might make it easier to get into the Panther spirit.