In a world where every individual is shaped by their unique experiences, twins stand out as a living paradox—two lives intertwined yet distinctly their own. Here are two of the eight unique sets of twins in freshman year that offer a peek through the curtain and into the reality of being a twin. Whether they share an uncanny resemblance or none at all, twins offer a unique perspective on best friends, siblinghood, and the complexities of growing up together.
The Arthurs, an identical pair that look almost the same, are very different.
“The easiest way to tell us apart is by our hair” Alex mentioned. “Charlotte always has her hair down and I have mine up.” However, once you get to know them personally, you’ll find that the two are a lot less alike than you would think. From clothing styles and music tastes to sports and hobbies, they are polar opposites.
The Adkins, a fraternal pair that look nothing alike, are very similar in style.
“It’s a perk and a downside,” Harper mentioned. “Being able to share clothes is a perk but it also comes with Rowan stealing my clothes.” Since their taste is so similar, they’ll end up buying two!
To the Arthurs, being a twin means having a built-in best friend. Alex even said, “There are some twins who are close, and some who don’t even want to be near each other. Charlotte and I are very close.”
Similarly, Harper Adkins shared, “It’s like having a built in, I don’t know, friend…it’s not like having an older brother, younger sister. Twins are closer.” To them, there is always someone to talk to or even just watch a movie or play a board game.
Both pairs were able to enjoy sharing rooms with their twin for a long time, which made them grow closer. In fact, both pairs tried to switch places. The Arthurs switched places in their 6th grade class for April Fool’s Day; though it lasted long, they were eventually busted. In 3rd grade, the Adkins also tried to switch places on April Fool’s Day, but it didn’t quite work like it did with the Arthurs considering they don’t look anything alike.
Though being an identical twin does have its perks like being able to open one another’s phone with face ID, it also has its down sides. Being identical means randomly being stopped to hear, “Wait, which one are you?” in the halls or even in class.
“The worst thing is probably the name mix up,” Charlotte mentioned in an interview.
Being a fraternal twin also has some downsides. It’s always having someone by your side, but it’s hard to make personal friendships when constantly having a twin close by. It can be difficult to plan a meaningful hangout when feeling obligated to invite the other twin.
“You can never go alone with a friend because then you feel like you have to invite your twin” Rowan mentioned.
Everything aside, the bond between twins is truly amazing and shows how deeply people can connect through years of growing up side-by-side. There’s a deep connection where twins often understand each other in ways that others can’t. Twins have a blend of friendship and family love, filled with shared memories, playful rivalry, and a lifelong friend that honestly gets you. Overall, being a twin shows how special sibling relationships can be, mixing shared history with personal growth.