The Girls Swim team grows in numbers every year, only had one loss last year and is described by the team members as “the most social sport”. But at times they’re very underrated winners. After last year’s successful season and the amazing meets and team, these swimmers and divers needed to be highlighted.
“I joined swim because I’ve been swimming since I was three so it’s only natural that I joined the swim team” swim team captain, Marlow Chalmers said, “The coaches are so nice and encouraging and it makes me excited to come back every year, everyone supports each other, and no one is not cheered for.”

One of the stars of The Girls’ Swim and Dive Team is diver Annelise Mullally ’26 who was a first-place winner at Metros for diving in 2022. She said, “my current dive goal is to make it to state and doing a back 1 ½ half flip.” She “loved how everyone is nice and encouraging to each other,” which was a big difference from some of the diving clubs’ intense attitudes.
“Everyone in Prep swim and dive is positive and kind to each other which is something I love”, said sophomore swimmer Ella Greaves. She described the team environment as, “very open to everyone, and obviously there’s some people that have been swimming their entire lives and then some people who just pick it up for senior year or have just done it in high school and I think people on both ends of the spectrum and can have a lot of fun and do really well.”
But most swimmers also agree of the fun and encouraging coaches and teammates on the swim team. Swimmers often describe meets as “the highlights of the week”, and a super loud and fun environment.

Considering how the team evolves and changes, Greaves described it as “interesting to see how the seniors had left and the freshman that came made an impact on the team. Because last year we obviously had some really good seniors, and I think the freshman here have really been able to step up and fill the gaps. The new upperclassmen this year have been able to do that as well.”