Panthers Getting Paid: Working During the School Year

Senior Connor Lee Collecting Carts at Trader Joe’s in Ballard

Nick Pickel, Staff Writer

Prep students are known to be multi-faceted and multi-talented people, many participating in sports, clubs, extra classes, leadership, and more. But how about those who work jobs during the school year? Many Seattle Prep students are employed to support themselves, help support their families, and put away money for college.

Connor Lee ’23, a loyal employee of the Ballard Trader Joe’s, works about 20 hours a week stocking shelves, bagging, collecting and cleaning carts, and more. He enjoys his job, saying, “It’s something to do after school and is a nice small income for each week.” He notes that his study habits have changed while having a job, as he must start homework later at night if he doesn’t complete it during school which he usually tries to do. He also takes advantage of his study hall and free periods more.

Ginna Owens ’23 shares a similar feeling with Lee, saying that she tries to utilize in-class work time and free periods as much as possible, so she has a better chance of going home and relax after work. Owens works three jobs: working at Hall of Fame Camp as a counselor, at Blue Kettle Bookstore, and as a server at Johnny Mo’s Pizzeria. She says it is challenging at times because she is, “A procrastinator with a little less time to procrastinate. When working weekends, you can miss out on social activities and your only two days of rest.” But she enjoys working nonetheless because she likes the communities, her coworkers, the pizza at Johnny Mo’s, and the extra cash to go out and “do fun things.”

Annelise Northcott-Johnson ’23 works as a receptionist at a barber shop called The Shop on Queen Anne, and while sharing the same challenges as Lee and Owens about working as a student, she says, “I love making money!”

Seniors aren’t the only ones working at Prep, however, as is evidenced by Cassia Tomici ’24 who works as a hostess at Demetri’s Restaurant in Edmonds 12-16 hours a week. She enjoys working even though schoolwork and studying can get stressful because of the extra commitment. “It’s definitely nice to have something social outside of school. I’m friends with all of my coworkers and it’s nice to have a break from academics while still doing something I enjoy,” explains Tomici.

Finally, Northcott-Johnson wants readers to know, “Working while going to school can be fun, but you have to know your limits. I really recommend trying out a part time job if it works with your schedule.”