A Covid-19 Christmas Assembly
December 14, 2020
With three weeks left before Christmas Break, students are preparing for finals and getting ready for the long-anticipated break from online learning. Digital learning is new to many people and can seem tiring and unmotivating. An important aspect of high school is meeting and talking with peers; unfortunately, because of the pandemic, this part of high school life isn’t possible.
At Seattle Prep, community building plays a major role among students and faculty. Faculty and student leaders have done a wonderful job to keep communication between students during these unprecedented times. While this change to digital learning was unexpected, Prep has worked hard to keep everyone connected and to make the transition as smooth as possible.
Traditionally, students and staff would assemble together in the gymnasium to watch performances that students put together and play games. Showing off spirit and representing fellow classmates brings everyone together and builds Prep as a community. School assemblies were highlights for most students; Junior Sam Lain-Hedden adds that his favorite part of assemblies was when they would go around to each and introduce each class, saying that “it’s really hype.”
While it won’t be able to gather together, ASB has worked hard to create a virtual Christmas assembly that students can interact with. Students should expect to see various prep traditions as well as a secret Christmas themed video that is being put together.
As is customary, Prep will still hold the S.A.N.T.A. awards, standing for Students Acting Nicely Toward All awards, in which students are able to nominate fellow peers who have displayed traits of kindness and who have helped lift spirits during virtual classes. Holt Witter, a Junior Class ASB Executive of ASB reminds everyone to “stay posted for the assembly video and Merry Christmas!”