New Faculty Profile: Seth Chism ’16
September 1, 2020
Basic Info:
What are you teaching/working on at Prep?
I’m teaching AP computer science, German 2 and Faith in action!
Where did you grow up?
I was lived in Oakland, California and moved to Newcastle, WA
What College or University did you attend?
I graduated from Seattle University (Go RedHawks!!)
More About You:
What was the highlight of your summer?
Highlight of the summer was spending time with family and being able to learn new things about then that I didn’t know before
How did you spend your time during quarantine?
I worked out, visited some friends, played checkers, read Bible, called friends/family, watched a lot of YouTube and played madden 08
Who do you admire (famous or not famous)?
I admire my pops!!
What was your first job?
My first job was working as a summer camp counselor at montlake community center
What is your favorite book?
Favorite book is Fahrenheit 451 (I know weird answer)
Do you have any hidden talents?
I think I have the talent to see the good and people and see the potential that they have
Your High School Experience:
Where did you go to high school?
What was the most popular song during your senior year of high school?
Controlla —> Drake
What career did you want to pursue in high school?
I wanted to just be a college athlete (track)
Can you remember any slang terms people used when you were in high school?
Dope, buggin (I could go on and on with this)
What is some advice you would give to yourself in high school?
I would tell myself to not be afraid, and to learn how to give others the opportunity to get to know me
What superhero do you most identify with? Why?
Hulk because he’s an absolute stud
What is your favorite type of sandwich?
I don’t like sandwiches really (but the ham one at prep is fuego)
What preparation of potato are you? (fries, baked, sweet potato, hash, etc.)
Your intro song if you had a TV show about you?
Mo money mo problems- Notorious B.I.G
What is your favorite word?
Fire is my favorite word (embarrassed to admit that)
Thoughts on Tik Tok?
Hate tik tok
If you could arrest a person for something that annoys you (but isn’t necessarily a law) what would it be?
Not eating the pizza crust means you deserve to be behind bars
What is a skill that you wish you had?
If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
I’d go to the Umpqua Dunes in Oregon or id go to Abu Dhabi
Complete the sentence:
I’d love to go back to… 11th grade
I have a phobia of… dogs
If I wasn’t at Prep I’d be… a talk show host or work in a hospital
This year I’m excited to… have fun with the students, work hard and to help be someone students can trust and depend on