By: Julia Piacentini ’15
Its September which means school’s starting and that means stress. Stress about grades, big projects and homecoming. Homecoming is a source of stress for both girls and guys. For girls they constantly wonder “Am I going to get asked?” and for guys it is “What if she says no?” and “How do I ask?” Well guy’s today is your lucky day because here are some creative ideas to ask that girl to homecoming.
The first, “How to Break the Ice”, is fun and creative and can get past the awkwardness of asking a girl out. So, how does this work? The first thing to be done is to write a note that says “Now that we’ve broken the ice, will you go to homecoming with me?” Now this is very important or the creativeness will not make any sense. Once the note has been written, find a tupperware container and put the note inside. Once the note has been placed fill the container part way with water and let it freeze over night. Give the container to the girl in class the next day, but be careful because you do not want the ice to melt. The girl will have to literally break the ice to get to the note and now she will say yes.
The second is the commonly used but still very creative, “Balloon Pop”. This one is a little less complicated but just as fun. The first step is to go to the local drugstore and grab a pack of balloons. Now there are a few different things that can be done with these balloons you can either leave most empty and fill only one two or three with note(s) that will fully say Homecoming with Insert Name? Now the other thing that can be done is you can still put the note in one with the official asking but the other balloons are filled with treats and goodies like chocolates and her favorite types of candy. Now the tricky part is where to put the balloons; either you can put him in her locker,which is the most likely, or if yo are close friends you can fill up her room. The problem with her locker is how can you get in? Well, find a close a friend and ask for her locker combination, but explain why you need it so it is not creepy. Arrive at school especially early, so that her locker will be ready before she gets there; stick the balloons in her locker and shut it. Then when she arrives, she will open her locker, balloons will spill out and you will have your date.
Here are a few ideas that hopefully will reduce stressors for guys, especiallly those about homecoming.