Coach Scott Reaches Out to Inspire Change
Director of Diversity Deino Scott in his office. Scott sees his role in the school as one to encourage discussion and understanding.
March 1, 2018
Coach Scott has worn many hats, working with almost every single department at Seattle Prep in his years at the school gaining deep insight he was willing to share with the Seattle Prep Panther. Coach Scott stated that his goal is “to make sure every student is able to enjoy all that Prep has to offer” all while making sure Prep “has great students coming in the door.”
Seattle Prep has so many kids with a vast variety of backgrounds as a result of their many different middle schools and different geographical locations. Scott explained that race and ethnicity just touch the surface of these differences, “it goes so much deeper than that.” Students may be experiencing circumstances that are not apparent, so he puts in effort making new connections with students through conversation all the time.
On January 11th, Coach Scott in his all-school morning prayer described his experiences dealing with racial prejudice growing up. These experiences and confrontations led him to have a role like diversity director because the experiences taught him the importance of having an open mind. He explained that he believes in the importance of voicing one’s opinions in a non-offensive manner. He says that if theirs is offensive, speak up. “Silence what gives permission to bigotry and prejudice. Go out and reach out.”
Coach Scott describes that a common issue is that a lot of good people have prejudicial biases for unknown reasons. The solution to this, he says, “is realizing everyone has a right to their opinion.” Coach Scott has found that when he sits down and talks with someone of a conflicting viewpoint, he can find a common interest. “Go out and reach out. Don’t be afraid to be the first one to cross the street”
He connected this idea to current events including the women’s march, the Oscars, the Grammys; people are speaking up for all to see and that is what has to happen. Coach Scott stated that he is “very much encouraged by that fact and change will be made if people are aware that everything they do is watched and people are speaking up.
Although February is Black History Month, Coach Scott would like to make it cultural diversity month here at Prep.
The Chinese are celebrating Lunar New Year and Mardi Gras is on the 13th: both holidays add to a celebration of cultures. In addition, Coach Scott has been trying to incorporate the Seattle Prep students into this effort. Most recently, the diversity mass gave students an opportunity to emphasize the important gift of the diversity present at Seattle Prep. Through ideas like these and being open-minded to the diversity of others, Coach Scott believes that the Seattle Prep students will be able to grow in its sense of community.