Star on the Diamond: An Interview with Will Rahlmann
Baseball superstar, Will Rahlman‘17 , has been on fire this season as he leads the Panthers from the mound. Rahlman ‘17 will play at Chapman University next year.
May 29, 2017
Star lefty Will Rahlman ‘17 led the Panthers this season with a multitude of great performances over the long season.
All we need to do is execute when we need to and I think we have a great chance of going pretty far this year.” As an integral last year of the squad last year, who made a crazy metro run, he learned, “How hard it is to win a Metro Championship. After winning 4 intense games to get there I thought that we were unbeatable, but a couple balls didn’t bounce our way and then it was over. I also learned how amazing of feeling it is to have the whole school behind you, like we did during the metro tournament. ”
Aside from this being the Metro Tournament, any of the next couple games could end an amazing career for Rahlmann. On what he will miss the most, Rahlmann said, “Definitely the Bomo(Bobby Morris) practices, those were a blast.”
What makes Rahlmann different from other pitchers, is that he is a side arm pitcher. He said, “I started throwing sidearm when I was 13 I think. I was just playing catch and messing around with my arm slot and then one of my coaches suggested I try pitching sidearm and the rest is history.”
Rahlmann said that he will especially miss just hanging out with his teammates. He said, “We have a really close group of seniors this year and I think they’d agree with me on that. Whether it’s getting rowdy in the dugout or on the field, we are always finding ways to have a good time playing ball.” Finally when we asked him what the student body can do to help the team, he said, “Just getting out to games helps us more than you guys could imagine. It always seems like the more fans there are the better we play.”