By: Maddie Quinn ’16
This year, two Seattle Prep activities have undergone a common change; a change in leadership. Both Coffee House and Second Face, which were both previously run by Mrs. Johnson, now have new faces and new ideas because of this change. The new ideas formulating for both of these activities are very exciting and something to look out for.
One Voice will be the new leaders of Coffee House this year. After talking to members of this exciting and interesting Prep club, it is clear that One Voice is excited and ready to take on the challenges of running such an important event. There are some great new things that One Voice plans on adding to Coffee House, but don’t worry, the essence of this loved Prep tradition will stay the same. Just as before, singers, poets, comedians instrumentalists, dancers and anyone else with any talents will be encouraged to perform at this event by signing up outside the OSL office. However, what will be changed? Mrs. Boyle, leader of One Voice, said, “We are thinking about adding art. People could display their art on stage or in the commons.”
There also are a few other changes and additions that are still in the works since One Voice is still in the planning process. Not to mention, rumor has it there will now be treats given out after Coffee House. So, if for no other reason, Prep students may want to check out Coffee House for this potential for food afterwards. The first Coffee House is on October 11th so stop by to see the new leadership of One Voice in action.
As for Second Face, they too are still in the planning stages, though they have already come up with many major changes that they are planning to make to their magazine publication and the way that they work in general. First of all, this year, one major change Second Face is making to the way it is run is that they are instituting an editorial policy and a selection criteria. The new Second Face moderator, Ms. Forte said, “Second Face members will be evaluating submissions and choosing the best ones.”
Along with this, there will now be an overall theme for the magazine, this year’s theme being storytelling. Within these themes there will be monthly sub-themes which will be announced each month in the newspaper. Prepsters will be encouraged to submit pieces based on the monthly theme. If their work is then chosen as the one of best submissions for that month, it will be featured in the next newspaper. Another change Second Face will be making this year are the guidelines about who is allowed to submit work. Ms. Forte stated that this year, rather than only allowing students to submit, “Students, faculty and alumni will all be welcomed to submit to Second Face to embrace the entire Prep community.”
Lastly, Second Face is planning on changing the overall format of the final magazine. Though they are not sure exactly how, the Second Face publication will have a new and fresh look. These changes will be prevalent all throughout the year and in the final publication of the Second Face magazine in the spring, so don’t miss it!