Guide your attention toward Jesuit priest and founder of Homeboy Industries, a familiar name around Prep, and a keynote speaker for Seattle Prep’s 2025 Peace and Justice Week, Fr. Greg Boyle.
Fr. Greg Boyle is well known for finding ways to transform the problems of gangs and violence in his cities. In the 1980s in Los Angeles, Fr. Boyle served as pastor of Dolores Mission Church in Boyle Heights California until he started focusing on the gang activity within the neighborhood, recognizing that traditional law enforcement wasn’t making much of an impact on gang involvement. This recognition led to the creation of Homeboy Industries, the world’s largest gang rehabilitation and reentry program.
Fr. Boyle has done and continues to do bountiful work for communities as he speaks at schools, conferences, and other groups across the country, inspiring many.
“His work and life are an example of overwhelming care for others that is without condition and qualification,” Ms. Miller, Christian service director at Prep, explained. This year’s Peace and Justice week’s focus, “We are Each other’s Keepers”, is going to be enhanced through Fr. Boyle’s visit as the Prep community is called to care for all its neighbors in solidarity and love.
“Hearing Fr. Greg Boyle speak to share with us some of what he’s done but also his why,” is something Ms. Miller hopes to be a big inspiration to the Prep community. “It invites all of us to think about how we might pursue the Magis in being with others.”
The Prep community should look to Fr. Boyle’s passion and determination in his work and be inspired by how his faith guides him. “Fr. Greg is a real example of someone who relies on his relationship with God to give him the wisdom, spirit, confidence, and humility, to do what he does and do it so well,” Ms. McNeill, department chair of theology at Prep, explained.
Fr. Greg Boyle is a great role model, and Prep should look forward to hearing from him during Peace and Justice Week this spring.