Kit Tobin
Kit Tobin
What are you teaching/working on at Prep?
My home base is in the community ministry office and I’ll be helping with teaching faith and action. I’m also working with Mr. Smith in health and wellness and both McNeill and Mallahan for a senior seminar. During window I will be in the mock trial room, after school I will either be helping the athletic trainer or with Mr. Othman during the musical.
Where did you grow up?
I grew up around Ravenna and attended Our Lady of the Lake.
What College or University did you attend?
I graduated from the University of Portland.
What was the highlight of your summer?
Graduating from college and working at Salt & Straw down in Portland.
Do you have any hidden talents?
I have eleven digits of pi memorized!
What was the most popular song during your senior year of high school?
Uptown Funk – Bruno Mars
What preparation of potato are you? (fries, baked, sweet potato, hash, etc.)
I relate most to the energy of a tater tot.
What is your favorite word?
Lovely, it sounds just as nice as it means.
If you could arrest a person for something that annoys you (but isn’t necessarily a law) what would it be?
Being rude to someone in the service industry.
If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Ireland, especially because most of my family lives there.
This year, I am excited for...leading fall kairos!