Uli Covarrubias

Uli Covarrubias

What are you teaching/working on at Prep?

Teaching Spanish and Theology, as well as helping out in Community Ministry.

Where did you grow up?

Los Angeles

What was the most popular song during your senior year of high school?

Hips Don’t Lie – Shakira

What preparation of potato are you? (fries, baked, sweet potato, hash, etc.)

Sweet potato fries

If you could arrest a person for something that annoys you (but isn’t necessarily a law) what would it be?

Whoever is responsible for incorrect clocks in public places.

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?

India – there is an incredible amount to see all in one place.

This year, I am excited for…

Getting to know my students and colleagues at Prep.