Seek Help and Try New Things Tops Senior Advice for Underclassmen

Fiona Scanlan, Staff Writer

Graduating from high school is quite the milestone. Four years at Seattle Prep comes with too many note sheets to count, multiple major projects, 10 formal dances, and many lessons learned along the way. This year’s class of graduating seniors have a lot of wisdom and helpful advice on how to successfully make it through Prep.

One of the most anticipated parts of high school is the college application and selection process. The thought of going off the college comes with a lot of excitement and also fear for many Prep students. Senior Ebbe Bertellotti says “Tour more schools than you think would be necessary so that you can explore all of your options. Also, get your college essay done the summer before senior year. Working on the essay while applying is really stressful and overwhelming with schoolwork on top of it. “

Senior Jane Pendergast mentions that with all the stress, to still live in the moment “Slow down because it’s all going to fly by and before you know it, you and all your best friends are scattered across the country.”

Among all the visits and browsing, senior Matteo De Suduiraut found strategies to make a clear decision, “College applications are the hardest thing you will do at Prep and take time and thought. If you need extra help on deciding where to go, don’t be afraid to people in your life for help. I spoke with a close family friend about my college process numerous times because I valued his opinion.”

Most seniors were in agreement that they never regretted looking at more colleges. Every school visited helps to build an idea of where they could see a future and gain some important perspective on the whole process.

Seattle Prep has many opportunities to be involved in regarding sports teams, clubs, window classes, musicals, and much more. High school is a time to find interests and what activities fulfill you as a person. Many people surprise themselves finding a passion they never expected. Senior Chris Martin says, “My advice for life at Prep is to try a little bit of everything. It’s important to put your ego aside and be willing to embarrass yourself to be able to have the best time possible. On a similar note, Senior Samantha Eco says, “Follow your heart, if you’re ever afraid to tryout for anything, don’t be. High school is about trying new things!”

Academically, Matteo De Suduiraut says, “Don’t pursue the classes that you think will be the easiest. Don’t be afraid to push yourself to try new things that are difficult because often times they are the ones that will provide the most reward. Your classmates are great resources to work together with through tough classes. Be yourself socially because the key aspect of our Prep community is the diversity of personalities.” Although getting involved in new activities can be intimidating, the seniors are confident that prep students will get the most out of their four years if they put themselves out there and aren’t afraid to try new things.